Do you suffer from heartburn, regurgitation or reflux? Maybe she is on medication to solve your stomach. I have written several times in the first case of indigestion, but this time I like to write specifically to a small bacterium Helicobacter pylori would be. Infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria is the most common bacteria in the human population in the world infected recognized. You can also see the following problem, and if you do, do not despair. Theindeed possible, heartburn, reflux or nausea bad that so many people are affected for free.
Helicobacter is a bug unintelligent
In 1982, when Dr. Barry Marshall, an Australian new bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (HP) as an infectious agent for peptic ulcer identified, completely transformed the understanding of medical microbiology and diseases of the human stomach. Your stomach is protected from its own gastric juice by a thick layerLining of the stomach lining. HP uses this protection from the reality that they live in the mucosa. Once these bugs is safe in this clever little mucus, is able to stomach acid, must reach the enzyme urease, not to fight. Urease converts urea, of which there are a wide range in the stomach (from saliva and gastric juices), into bicarbonate and ammonia, the high (alkaline) have bases. This creates a cloud of acid neutralizing chemicalsthroughout the H. pylori, protecting it from stomach acid. This cloud is also part of the process of reflux and regurgitation that occurs, complain that many HP employees.
Contribution to the protection of HP is the fact that the body's natural defenses can not reach, these errors in this lining of the stomach. The immune system is an HP-infection, answering "killer T cells" (white blood cells) and other infection-fighting agents. However, these potential H. pyloriSpurlockerer can not reach the infection, because they simply do not get the gastric mucosa. You will not go away - only the immune response develops and grows over time. White blood cells die and spill their destructive compounds on cells of the gastric mucosa. Other nutrients to increase the white blood cells, and H. pylori may lead to the feed. Within days, gastritis and perhaps eventually a result of peptic ulcer in the lining of the stomach. And, of course, is the person who suffersoften unaware, is an antacid or acid-blocking drug in the long term and continue to eat and drink foods that aggravate the healing process in the long term. So, to return to the doctor, only to be told to stay on the medicine. After a few years, the person takes the fact that they always need this "medicine" to cure their condition. Yeah, right, and they lived happily ever after Alice in Wonderland.
To confirm that HP causes gastritis and peptic ulcer,Marshall swallowed cultures of bacteria and gastritis contract (inflammation of the lining of the stomach). It was endoscopy (internal examination of the stomach), and if the biopsy was alleged error in isolation again.
Changing medical belief and practice takes time. For nearly 100 years, scientists and doctors thought that ulcers were caused by a lot of stress, spicy foods and lots of alcohol. Treatment involved bed rest and a bland and boring food.Later, researchers added stomach acid in the list of causes and treatment of ulcers with antacids began when she fashionable.Unfortunate for poor Barry was, nobody believed him. In fact he was actually treated with scorn and contempt, when he had the idea that the bacteria actually survive the hostile environment of the stomach. Before 1982 the accepted medical paradigm of "no acid, no ulcer", and that gastric ulcers occurred only when the excess acid in the stomach wall and damagedEach treatment should be to reduce or neutralize the acid that evil should be sought. Surely you remember the TV commercial with the man who was approaching on his stomach with a marker, indicating that the acid "living there." These spots usually comes after dinner, when your belly is more likely to be playing, I can not help thinking how many of these patients may be infected with an unknown H. pylori. There are a lot of drug promotion, this acidReflux problem. Unfortunately many of these patients are still regarded as "too much stomach acid" seen and treated with antacids or stomach acid blockers as first-line therapy when used in my clinical experience, in fact the opposite is true, did not have enough or an infection to resolve. Gastric juice of digestive enzymes and concentrated hydrochloric acid, which can easily digest the food or to kill microorganisms together. Low levels of stomach acid increases the chance that aThe survival of the organism. It was thought that the stomach contained no bacteria and actually sterile, Australian Grand Prix and took a test all the experts of the world is wrong.
It seems pretty stupid to acid treat the problem permanently, without doubt, in reality arises because the belching, reflux and dyspepsia in the first place. Albert Szent Gyorgyi (1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) said that "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen,and thinking what nobody has thought. "Today there is an acknowledged fact that most cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers, diseases that affect millions of people worldwide are affected, resulting from these HP-infection, and not" all excess acid " in the stomach.
"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought." Albert Szent Gyorgyi
HP-infection and spread
H. pylori is believed to be transmitted orally. Did you wash your hands? Many researchersbelieve that HP is transmitted orally through fecal matter through the ingestion of spoiled food or water. It is also possible that H. pylori from the stomach had to be transmitted through the mouth, gastro-oesophageal reflux or regurgitation, all common symptoms of gastritis. The bacterium can be transmitted through oral contact.
HP-infection remains a major problem is widespread and infect more than one billion people around the world. It is estimated that half ofPopulation of the United States more than 60 years with H. pylori at a particular time and the economic impact of the ulcer disease in the United States (as a backup to a study measured data 1989) infection have shown that the disease will cost nearly $ 6 billion to ' years. (2660000000 $ for hospital stays, without the expense of a doctor 's), outpatient care ($ 1.62 billion) and loss of productivity of labor ($ 1.37 billion).
One in five Australians and New Zealanders have HP, according to Dr. Barry Marshall, the infection usually continues forFor many years, leading to stomach ulcers in 10% to 15% of those infected. H. pylori is present in more than 80% of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers. You can imagine what that costs common complaint in New Zealand and Australia, in relation to drugs, medical visits and lost productivity in the workplace. Early research on most of the work HP has come to characterize the data emerging from the study of all these samples completely unexpected. It turns out that HP actually a common bacterial pathogens andWhat an incredible 30-50% of the world population are colonized with him.
How do you know if HP has the bug?
The infection manifests itself differently in different individuals. In some people, produces more acid in the stomach and cause ulcers. In other gastric acid suppression or total absence (that we call achlorhydria) may result, and these people may be at higher risk of stomach cancer. It is unclear why some people respond to one or the other.
TypicalManifestations of Helicobacter pylori infection:
Nausea or low-grade nausea. It may be vomiting.
• Prevention of chilli, garlic, or a particular food, the '"disagree" with the belly.
• swelling worse after eating. Feel worse after eating food or a few.
· Pain recurring abdominal, intestinal cramps.
· Peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer (about 90% of cases have HP)
Burping · possible, this is pretty bad. The person may have developed aReputation!
· Heartburn, and perhaps rely on Quick-Eze or Gavascon, Losec, etc.
· Diarrhea or constipation, after several years of infection.
· Sleep, wake up, perhaps with a sense of emptiness, or heartburn. I have some patients who also support the headboard, with a few stones.
· The symptoms worse at night, or worse when lying down.
· Vitamin B12. They have the medical test for this, you may also be deficient.
° altered appetite,It can sometimes feel like eating, not again.
• After having been infected for several years, in order to develop mineral deficiencies that can cause a variety of health problems.
· Helicobacter pylori is involved in Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
· The migraine (40% of migraine patients are positive, and reimbursement headaches disappear).
· Rosacea. Helicobacter pylori is suspected to cause rosacea (HP eradication often leads to asignificant reduction of rosacea).
Is it any wonder, how should a sick stomach to do its job, ie, digestion and absorption of food in an efficient, if a bacterial infection caused dysfunction of the genre? Your doctor may have initially prescribed a drug such as Losec, Gavascon or Mylanta for your stomach, you need to dilute or block acid. Your belly is now working at all? Then come back and complain that the symptoms remain unchanged. So what? You can see whatI mean, after many years of this infection can be very uncomfortable. I see a person like this a week or more, and has been for many years. When I wrote an article that our local newspaper to HP a few years ago, I received about ten calls. And most of these patients were at an HP-infection, all two of Losec, Quick Eze or Mylanta Gavascon.
Conventional therapy HP
Please note that it is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before finding aCure your heartburn or reflux. Many stomach or digestive diseases and conditions share common symptoms: if you treat, for the wrong disease or a symptom of a complex disease, legitimate treatment of a serious underlying problem, and indeed to delay gastric cancer. In other words, the greatest danger in self-treatment are in fact self-diagnosis. Always check with your health professional, preferably a function that is experienced in gastrointestinal disorders. If youI do not know what you really can not simply treat!
I had always demanded a great concern for the extensive use of antibiotics to treat people infected by HP. The compensation of the conventional medicine of HP from the stomach requires 10 to 14 days treatment with drugs. My concern is that prolonged or repeated treatment with antibiotics change the normal microbial population of the entire gastrointestinal tract, causing a lot of beneficial bacteria as well as HP,so that the patient can have a good environment that bugs such as Candida albicans, Proteus, or a variety of other malignancies develop. To get rid of a problem only to create yet another.
Triple therapy
The use of a single drug for Treath. pylori has never been recommended by Dr. Marshall. At this point, the conventional treatment, 2 weeks of treatment is called "triple therapy". Take two antibiotics to kill bacteria and is an acidSuppressor or stomach-lining shield drug. Two weeks of triple therapy reduces ulcer symptoms, kills bacteria and prevents relapse in many patients - but the repetition can be as high as 75%. This goal is difficult, I have many patients who come to me after so many years ago, triple therapy with moderate to poor results, and were placed on a blocker for many years after.I I'll recommend some resistant cases, had and have been know to send somePatient to a doctor for the triple therapy, then follow with a natural treatment for 6 weeks. I noticed that some patients may find triple therapy complicated because it includes three types of drugs, and as many as 20 tablets a day. In addition, antibiotics and bismuth triple therapy used in drug side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dark stools, metallic taste, dizziness, headaches and yeast infections, especially among women.
HP Test
Diagnosisof H. pylori traditional endoscopic biopsies of the stomach mucosa is involved. There are three ways to see HP, at the time in New Zealand. To be honest, I only occasionally an HP-approved test these days, and usually have a "gut feeling", a person has this error when entering my room and complain about the above symptoms. Common sense - the patient will soon be able to tell if they are or will be improved, and it takes only about three or four weeks, to know exactly what isunderway. Just because the test results back negative, you may still have this error. You know me now, please, not paralysis by analysis! If it is significantly better after treatment for HP, whether natural or pharmaceutical feel - you've probably independent of HP, say what the test results. Remember - up to one in five New Zealanders have this infection, so the chances are pretty high you have it.
• The method of urea breath test for diagnosis is based on the reaction of ureaCurrently, as mentioned above. This is a sound test - 90 to 95% in successfully managing the HP bug.
· Proof of blood to measure levels of antibodies to HP have been developed. However, these tests have suboptimal sensitivity and specificity (85% and 79%).
· Proof stool antibodies - Once again, many factors can influence the outcome of this test, to be with the breath. Many experts say that the fecal antigen test is bulletproof, but in my experience I have seen many "false negatives"with testing. This means that the results come back ok, but the patient responded dramatically after treatment, HP.
Natural HP eradication
No clear evidence for the specific treatment of each case of gastritis associated with HP. I noticed the following treatments to be effective, and employs many different therapies over the years. Here are some treatments that I found to work in a number of HP cases. Remember, relapse rates are very high, so you canpersist with treatment until you feel a lot better, then hang there for a couple of months (lower quality of treatment) to be absolutely sure. I recommend the treatment in blocks of 6 weeks, then wait 2 weeks -3, then another 6 weeks of treatment. A good clinical advice for you: always treat this infection by some with meals, but somewhere in between, or away from food. This is truly the "kill" drive-home treatment and treatment can have access to bug HPand via the gut for a certain degree of commitment of food and gastric juice. I have a saying in my hospital: persistence breaks resistance. Remember Winston Churchill? - Never give up, never, never, in
• The Manuka honey, which has a high level of hydrogen peroxide, and studies have shown activity against H. pylori. Go for the high factor Comvita Manuka Honey UMF.
Propolis · Works very well for some but for others it's depressing.
· Vitamin B12 -Have it checked in the blood! You may well be inappropriate here.
• After the antibiotic treatment is completed (triple therapy), it makes sense to rebuild the intestinal flora with Lactobacillus species again. State does not care, anyway. (A 2002 study showed that a preparation for the failed acidophilus mixed H. pylori infection in patients in whom it was attempted to eradicate).
· DGL (Licorice Deglycyrrhizinated) - you can get in capsules or liquids.
· Aloe Vera helpsThe healing of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.
Berberine · grass is found in goldenseal, and can be used as a natural antibiotic herbal.
Food · grapefruit seed extract, for some this is very effective in the long term. The extract is even better.
Digestive enzymes · It can also be helpful - especially with achlorhydria (low stomach acid)
· Mastic is a natural substance from the sap of evergreen Mediterranean, Pistacia lemniscus. Mastic has been showneffectively protect the digestive system, healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers, and eradication of H. pylori from the gut. I use it a lot, and I will give two capsules twice a day between meals.
· Bismuth. It shows anti-inflammatory effect (due to salicylic acid) and also acts as an antacid and a mild antibiotic. Do not Freak Out - can also cause a black tongue and stools in some people taking blacks, if you combine with traces of sulfur in their saliva andGastro-intestinal tract. This coloration is temporary and completely harmless.
My favorite HP treatment regime? I would say that chewing gum between meals and during meals is a preparation of bismuth, Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, goldenseal and grapefruit seed extract. I often recommend aloe vera and charcoal as well.
You get the nagging heartburn, and want to try one thing and ultimately a cure? Ask your doctor or diet-friendly doctor who cancheck carefully and thoroughly and that is the cause not the symptom. It is generally advisable to recommend treatment and a special diet for the individually decorated, with promising results for many patients. And what a relief to be free of heartburn, bloating, and that "terrible feeling in my belly" again!