Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bad habits that affect our health

!±8± Bad habits that affect our health

We all know the bad habits that can destroy our health. But there are habits that we are used to the extent that it tends to the fact that there may be hazardous to our health in the future is lack of respect. What are these bad habits that you do not know? Here are some of them.

Skipping breakfast all because you're late for work. Most of the time tend to be people jumping in the car and go to work and forget to take your breakfast. This is a mistake that should not evenare able to read this article. Not only do you miss the most important meal of the day, you can jump at the chance to do a good job.

It helps us to relax and drink wine while we were on the quantities of alcohol, you tend to enjoy in our body, we tend to drink from the bottle. Drink a glass of wine or two can be healthy for you, but when it comes to more than two can be dangerous, since alcohol has 120 calories per glass.

After a day of work, we all wantjust relax and watch TV then suddenly doze and sleep on the couch. This can be relaxing, but what we really need is sleep, which is completely pure. By the time you get about 20 minutes of sleep, you tend to the fact that you are awake before a loud TV.

And all the coffee more. We tend to coffee with a little 'cream and syrup, whipped cream and love others. Chances are, the more you add to your coffee, you add more calories.Ditch the whipped cream and go for the honey.

Fast food. We tend to eat quickly, especially when we are up in the final minutes of the lunch break. So you can go to eat, what a meal should be 20 minutes in a five-minute break can be dangerous, as you can get a good run for the reflux. Try to eat, and taste the food before putting it in the neck next time.

Some women often sacrifice their comfort zone for reasons of fashion. This also applies to men. WearingThe wrong shoes can be a threat to posture and general course. Even if you can not feel capable of pain, hours and hours of walking with the heels taking their toll on the feet. Wear comfortable houses instead.

Brushes should be made immediately after each meal and must be done right before bed. Plaque can easily build, once you say to yourself that you brush your teeth in the morning.

Bad habits that affect our health

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

What causes abdominal pain and swelling?

!±8± What causes abdominal pain and swelling?

Swelling or pain in the abdomen can cause serious discomfort and is an indication of digestive problems. This happens when the gas tightness and cramping in the abdomen resulting is captured. Sometimes it can occur due to irregular eating habits and meal times. However, when it usually happens, then you should consult a doctor.

The most common causes of bloating are listed below:

Lock in the gut: There are high chances of a total or partial obstructionthe intestine through the growth of tumors, or scar tissue formation of gallstones. This leads to cramps, vomiting, flatulence and digestive problems.

Gastritis: If the swelling in the stomach, then the individual experiences pain in upper stomach that comes with swelling, nausea or a burning sensation in the chest. Alcohol consumption, mental stress and side effects can cause this medical condition.

Lactose intolerance: if the digestive system of aPerson is lactose is not broken, then undigested and then ferment over time leads to pain.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome): This is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The large intestine is sensitive to gas formation and results in defecation disorders. As a result, the patient suffers from constipation and diarrhea because he is suffering from constant cramps or swelling of the intestines.

Celiac disease: This disease leads to problemswith the inner lining of the small intestine from gluten-containing foods, such as rye, barley or wheat, can not be digested. This leads to continuous vomiting, nausea and flatulence.

What causes abdominal pain and swelling?

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

The turbinates - What you should know

!±8± The turbinates - What you should know

Most people know the nose and paranasal sinuses, when it comes to breathing, but not many people (including many doctors) are aware of the turbinates. Turbinates are like the wings along the side wall of the nasal cavity, towards the midline of your nose. There are three paired structures: inferior turbinate, middle and high. Drain your sinus passages below the middle turbinate can. Swollen turbinates are probably responsible for most cases of nasal congestion.

TheTurbinate bone is inside and surrounded by a mucous membrane, with a very rich vascular tissue in between. The vascular tissue to swell significantly, like what happens to the penis. Each can exacerbate the degree of inflammation, irritation, infection, nasal turbinate swelling. Allergies are a common cause. It can also aggravate the weather changes such as temperature, pressure and humidity turbinate swelling. In many cases, patients are told their doctors thathave nasal polyps, when in reality is a much enlarged mussel, which has seen.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if a structure full of a shell or an octopus. A polyp is a protrusion of the mucous membrane that grows beyond the boundaries of normal tissue. Most nasal polyps originate from the bottom of the middle turbinate, where the sinuses drain, but the polyps can occur anywhere in the nose and turbinates.

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An important feature ofTurbinates, which is not too many people know what it's like nasal cycle. The change turbinates in size from side to side every few hours. One side will shrink and swell on the other side. Normally you will not notice that, unless the turbinates are a bit 'stuffy. If you have a deviated septum, then you will find that more.

Gravity also affects the size of the turbinates. If you choose to pools of blood in the vessels, which leads to slight congestion. But yourinvoluntary nervous system automatically recognizes this change in the blood vessels to narrow and improve breathing. The same process occurs when you reduce the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, through practice, the turbinates, opens the airways.

Sometimes the balance between the two halves of the involuntary nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic parts) out of alignment and the automatic does not work properly. So, if youor place, you should not force the blood vessels completely. Other times, the turbinates are particularly susceptible to allergies, climate change, chemicals, fragrances and perfumes. As soon as it irritates, it leads to an inflammatory reaction that leads to stiffening and mucus production. This is called vasomotor rhinitis, or allergic. Reflux throat has been shown to connect with this condition.

Ultimately, how well you breathe through the nose by a combination determined by the sizeYour turbinates, septal geometry, and how thin nostrils. (See the other sections of the nasal septum and nostrils fragile.) Your nose is not just a passive tube, a channel for air acts passed in the lungs, is a very dynamic structure, able to change from minute to minute.

What you know about the surgery of the turbinates

If all conservative treatment options for your allergies or stuffy nose, tried, and surgery is the only way left, there are some veryimportant facts you should know before any type of surgery turbinates. Decades ago, surgeons use great amounts or completely remove the inferior turbinate. First, the patient breathes much better, but years later they complain is a dry nose or a runny nose constantly, and even a return of a blocked nose. Paradoxically, if you look in these patients, the nose, the nasal cavity would be wide open. This means that the empty nose syndrome (ENS).

We nowWe know that the turbinates are an important part of your anatomy and nasal function, and you need to know a certain amount of resistance and nasal breathing properly.

There are a variety of options for shrinking nasal turbinates, the more conservative, more aggressive. The simplest method that can be done in practice, is one of the intramural cautery procedures. This is where a needle or a probe is placed under the mucosa and blood vessels are eithercauterized or vaporized. Over time, pulls the scar tissue shrinks and creates the soft tissues of the turbinates. You will see different names such as radiofrequency or Somnoplasty. A new variant called Coblation uses radiofrequency energy to vaporize tissue at relatively low temperatures. All these methods have the advantage that can be carried out in practice, and no cutting or removal of the mucosa is involved.

The other procedures are performed in a ruleSurgery under local anesthesia or general. There are many ways that change surgeon to shrink, portions of the shell-bulk or indirect. The above-mentioned office processes that can be used with all other methods, like a septoplasty or sinus surgery are performed. The easiest way is to physically cut the front bottom of the shell with scissors or electrocautery. Sometimes the deepest parts of bone are removed. Complete resection inferior turbinate aremore rarely because of potential risk and carried out "empty nose syndrome."

Another popular method is called submucosal resection (the average is a deep bone, cartilage and tissue removed, leaving the overlying mucosa). For the turbinates, a section along the bottom of the bottom shell is made, and exposed the bone and removes a part.

The layers of the mucosa are replaced on the bed and pressed the first soft nose bonePackaging. A recent opportunity to use this without an incision, which is a microdebrider aspiration. This device has been used for years in surgery of the paranasal sinuses. The tip of a long pole with a thin open end has a rotating blade oscillates back and forth, while the vacuum to suck up what tissue is removed (or soft tissue or bone).

What to expect after surgery

Most surgeons still with nasal packing, especially with the more aggressiveProcess, to maintain the mucous layer from the rough surfaces. Because the procedures are usually performed turbinates addition to the procedure of the septum, nasal packing with or without rails are not as frequent. Depending on the surgeon's preferences, or the package can not be used for a variety of minimally invasive procedures.

Shell procedures themselves are not so painful. Most patients do not take pain medication, unless other procedures are performed,simultaneously.

It may take days or weeks before your breathing improves significantly as swelling, blood and mucus immediately after the procedure. Many surgeons clean up the rubble for a few days to a week after the procedure in the office during the follow-up.

Nasal saline can every few hours immediately after the operation to be applied to solve the secretions. Blow your nose is not recommended until you get the green light by the physician during the first postoperativeto participate.

Turbinate surgery is a very useful technique that can be performed alone or in combination with other methods. Bleeding and infection occur, although rarely, may, like any other surgery. It can also risks of anesthesia. In the unlikely event that the procedure failed, including reasons for the failure of a conservative procedure, the nasal septum or persistent nasal valve collapse.

The turbinates - What you should know

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Manuka honey - natural, effective, healthy and pure

!±8± Manuka honey - natural, effective, healthy and pure

In clean, pollution-free landscape of New Zealand, grows a plant known to the natives as wild Manuka tea tree. A very special flower that grows on this plant, the nectar that is rich in medicinal product contains components that can not be found anywhere else in the world. If the bees use this nectar to produce honey, is a very unique product.

Some people consider honey as food only. However, honey has been used as medicine for thousands of years before the advent of modernMedicine. It has now been discovered that Manuka honey from New Zealand has discovered the healing properties of honey in any other way. Indeed, its medicinal value often exceeds the more traditional forms of medicine, without the risk of negative side effects. Researchers have discovered that Manuka Honey contains natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, so it is able to cause a medical treatment, viruses, bacteria or fungi.

This type of honey is uniquehas been used for medicinal purposes in New Zealand for decades. And 'healing properties are so spectacular that word of his healing powers are now spreading rapidly throughout the world. When taken orally it is actually applied externally in the treatment of diseases such as stomach pain, stomach ulcers, sore throat, sore throat, gum disease, acid reflux disease, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, cold and flu symptoms , etc. In the skin, can also for the treatment of diseases such as infected wounds, burns,Bedsores acne, ringworm, skin ulcers, eczema, staph infections, MRSA, etc.

People around the world are discovering the amazing properties of Manuka Honey's natural healing. In addition, doctors are beginning to realize that this natural remedy heals quickly and efficiently, even when other solutions fail. Take advantage of the best kept secret in nature.

Manuka honey - natural, effective, healthy and pure

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