The natural treatment of gastritis on what the symptoms are as unique as what the cause was instructed in the use of homeopathy. First of all, the cause may be emotional or physical. Pain, fear, shock, anger, etc. - the emotional causes emotional trauma can be solved by
Physical causes may be an adverse reaction to excessive intake of sugar or salt, or to the mains. Or it may consist of a diet high in mineral phosphorus, which is a poison. This can easilyare available these days, because super-phosphate has a high incidence of chemical fertilizer. This makes crop plants look wonderful, but the balance of minerals and vitamins terribly disturbing.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This can be caused by aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, food poisoning, overeating or alcohol are caused by your sensitivity range .. The pain is usually the most troublesome symptom, but you can also experience abdominal distension, anorexia,Nausea and vomiting.
Meaning the joint treatment of gastritis with antacids, but this can create so many problems how to solve. The homeopathic remedy Phosphorus can have the best natural treatment of gastritis you have heard, until the symptoms can be adjusted. Gastrointestinal symptoms of phosphorus are:
Vomiting of food or drink, as soon as it heats in the stomach (15 minutes) Vomiting of bright red blood or coffee grounds an enormous desire for ice creamcold drinks has an enormous appetite has a history of bleeding disorders, blood not clot (hemophilia)
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